DC Group › Brand Revitalization
For a company with a 40-year history and positioned as a leading provider of service and maintenance on critical power backup equipment in both US and Canada, the DC Group brand image just wasn't up to par.
We accepted the challenge to breathe new life into the brand. For beginners, the word UP—conveniently located at the end of the corporate name—was recognized as a fitting acronym for a new tagline, Uninterrupted Power, stating exactly what is most critical to their clients and prospects.

With logo refresh and new tagline applications implemented, the next task was expanding the brand imagery and applying across all marketing tools. The unique illustration style of Doug Ross creates a core brand differentiator helping DC Group stand out from competitors while depicting a dependable service-centric persona.
Tradeshow booth

Brand collateral

Illustrations repurposed as office art reinforce the brand at corporate headquarters